I'm a currently beginner indie game developer, and semi-animator due to using MikuMikuDance. A Backstage worker who sets up and tears down sets before and after theater shows. I'm also a gamer. Yes I live with my parents currently, but I mostly don't have a care in the world about that situation at the moment, though it's beginning to seem more lively lately.

Steam User Name: Durami (was KDC705, youtube channel named KDC705 still though), you may want to search kdc017 or my e-mail address to find me, or look in the rpgmaker.net Steam group.



Secret Santa Review Event 2011!

So now we have to wait till Christmas Eve, right?

Secret Santa Review Event 2011!

Alright, I'll send it.

I sent a URL of my oldest RPG game on this site, I think it was about 2008 or something.

Secret Santa Review Event 2011!

I'm pretty nervous.... Do I just send the link or do I have to type something before that?

Secret Santa Review Event 2011!

Ummm..... what should I put as a subject to the PM?

Secret Santa Review Event 2011!

Alright, I'll give it a shot. I'm in.

I need a few beta testers

I'll try it out as well.


Isn't there a way to keep all of the games that are made? ???

Anyone got Windows Media Encoder?

It can be used for Video Making!

Windows Media Encoder can record your screen right? It can be useful for making videos for your RPG Games.

Need save point

Thank you. :)

Need save point

I need a save point.

Do you know where A Save point Charset is? ???
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